Archaeologist Sees Proof for Bible in Ancient Wall - ABC News
Another story where, depending on the presuppositions of the individual Jerusalem scientists, the facts are just...well, facts.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Review: Brian McLaren's 'A New Kind of Christianity' | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction
Review: Brian McLaren's 'A New Kind of Christianity' | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction
Wow...the left-leaning though Gospel-centered-ish Christianity Today skewers Brian McLaren, the true liberal, man-centered author.
For the lay-reader without the time to be current in seminary-level discussions, take some time for an interesting, enlightening review. Scot McKnight, author of The Jesus Creed, provides a healthy and balanced critique of this new book by the Huffington Post's favorite 'evangelical' (which, in my view, means that the average American will be hearing much more of Brian McLaren).
The jist:
Scot McKnight is professor of Religion at North Park University in Chicago, Il. and the author of several books.
Wow...the left-leaning though Gospel-centered-ish Christianity Today skewers Brian McLaren, the true liberal, man-centered author.
For the lay-reader without the time to be current in seminary-level discussions, take some time for an interesting, enlightening review. Scot McKnight, author of The Jesus Creed, provides a healthy and balanced critique of this new book by the Huffington Post's favorite 'evangelical' (which, in my view, means that the average American will be hearing much more of Brian McLaren).
The jist:
Unfortunately, this book lacks the "generosity" of genuine orthodoxy and, frankly, I find little space in it for orthodoxy itself. Orthodoxy for too many today means little more than the absence of denying what's in the creeds. But a robust orthodoxy means that orthodoxy itself is the lens through which we see theology. One thing about this book is clear: Orthodoxy is not central.
Scot McKnight is professor of Religion at North Park University in Chicago, Il. and the author of several books.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Anatomy of a Recession
Have you noticed in your area what this evidence shows?
You are not alone.
Economics are not the same as politics, no matter what we are told.
Sometimes, we suffer even when we don't understand why.
Don't give up until its really over.
We will see and hear and know when it's over.
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Exponential Functions On A Finite Planet � Erstwhile Urban Wanderer
Exponential Functions On A Finite Planet � Erstwhile Urban Wanderer
I found this person's work while trying to get an answer to a mathematical problem I was working.
His evidences caused me pause and I read the research a while.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Richard Dawkins reading the KJV
Like everyone, I have a list of resources I utilize online. One of these recently pointed to an ironic situation in which Richard Dawkins (author of The God Delusion and world-class geneticist), for the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, will be reading a chapter from The Song of Solomon.
A couple of things struck me at Dawkins' remarks.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Free eBook Download/Read
For the Institute of Christian Economics, the review is written by David Chilton. Excellent, footnoted and cited.
The Socialist Phenomenon
by Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
by Igor Shafarevich
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Art of Persuasion: How to get no one to agree with you
When talking with others and discussing any issue of merit and/or importance, there is usually a back and forth that goes on between people. For centuries these discourses have usually been peaceful and respectful, following certain unspoken rules of civility (of course, not all the time, but then those would often end in murder).
Monday, February 22, 2010
Mona Lisa Eyes
Lately, I have been compelled to engage Atheism more than usual. Either I am reading up on the latest 'findings' by prominent purveyors of pessimism or I am arguing for basic blocks of Reality with folks/friends/foes on Facebook. I find that this actually serves two functions for the Christian:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Politics and Heated Topics (Part 1)
I desire to keep this blog site politics-light. I ran another blog that leaned too far towards the political side of things, and it's not going to do anything amidst the thousands of blogs devoted to politics. Therefore, this blog will be devoted to one man's 'honest threshing' of capital T-ruth.
With that said, there is a lot of talk on the healthcare legislation that is coming down the pipe here in the U.S. Now, the President is
With that said, there is a lot of talk on the healthcare legislation that is coming down the pipe here in the U.S. Now, the President is
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Best Bible (you never heard of)
Many Saints don't really have a firm opinion about which English Bible translation is their best. I would even guess that most are confused on why there is a huge variety of versions. When it is the goal to know what God says to us today--no single English translation gets it completely--we will be more likely to understand the truest meaning of the text by checking several readings and renderings. I am often found with several open Bibles on my desk, scattered about an open laptop with a few more versions tabbed in esword (Windows) or xiphos (Linux). (I presently own around 30 bound Bibles along with many more on the computer; of these there are over two dozen different translations. This is not an addiction problem for me...well, OK, it may be a slight addiction trafficking in $100-plus Bibles--they really hold their value though and some are amazingly enjoyable!)
I realize that most people are not collecting Bible versions. So when I ask folks their preference, from my experience, people tend to gravitate to the NIV; it is the most common, readable version around for the last two or three decades. If people are really cutting edge, they might carry an ESV or the NASB--these are thought of as the most literal (and are). There are many people at my church that use what our Pastor prefers--the NLT--and I see a lot of the very-literal NKJV too. In Mainline Protestant churches, the NRSV (a somewhat-liberal and 'gender-neutral' version) is common.
Today, I would like to introduce a version that, for the average reader, far surpasses any of these for use as a General Purpose Bible, in my humble opinion.
Released in 2004, the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB, or from here, the hCSB) is a brand new translation from the original languages. The scholar who started on it, the late Art Farstad, wanted to name it Tyndale21 or Logos21, in allusion to the modernity of the scholarship in the 21st Century (if you want to read about this, here is a great interview with the General Editor of the hCSB). Published and owned by Broadman and Holman Publishers, this translation is gaining popularity in spite of it being (mis-)labeled as a Southern Baptist denominational edition.
Surprisingly, most Christians have never heard about this version, though it has never really enjoyed the sheer marketing power that two other recent translations, the ESV and NLT, receive. The first thing about this Bible to understand is that it is not rooted in any past tradition, i.e. the Tyndale-King James line; it is a fresh new version with no limits. This is not to say the translators took translation risks--it is a conservative, gender-accurate, highly reverent gift to the English speaking world. *Note: for a free download of this book on the 'gender-neutral' controversy, click here.* To me, however, the most important aspect of this Bible is that it is actually MORE accurate than the most literal versions mentioned above, while reading smooth and easy like the NIV.
Now, I suppose I need to explain that last sentence. While the hCSB is not translated word-for-word like the NASB, ESV, or NKJV Bibles (i.e. Formal Equivalence), it is also not translated thought-for-thought like the NLT or NIV/TNIV (i.e. Functional, or Dynamic Equivalence) either. Rather, the editors coined the term 'Optimal Equivalence' that, for our purposes here, simply means that it is word-for-word except when the original languages are deemed to need clarity in English. I have found that this Bible reads as precisely as any other but is easier to understand. It is among the few that truly communicates John 3:16 as perfectly as English allows. It also chooses the word 'slave' rather than 'bondservant' or 'servant', e.g. Romans 1:1 which really presents the idea better; a slave doesn't literally get paid like a servant. Another feature of accuracy is that where the KJV, NKJV, and NASB (properly I think) include italics when translators added clarifying words to the text, the hCSB uses half brackets. The ESV doesn't note which words are not in the original languages; neither do the Dynamic Equivalent translations.
As alluded to prior, the hCSB doesn't come from the King James Version line of Bibles which, in order, includes: KJV (1611, 1750), RV (1885), ASV (1901), RSV (1952), NASB (1977), NKJV (1982), NASB-updated (1995), ESV (2001) These essentially retain similar word order and choice of phraseology and, though not necessarily bad, is usually the Bible language that people associate with Holy Scripture. But I might suggest that the shackles of traditions unnecessarily create difficulties when just trying to read the Bible as Story. This alone is why I think the NIV has been so popular and why the NLT is gaining popularity today. However, Where the hCSB surpasses the more literal versions is at this point: while the word order and idea structure to the King James-line is essentially unchanged for 400 years, scholarship has. I have repeatedly been refreshed reading the hCSB and received keener insight to the Holy Word that I never got from old favorites like the NKJV and ESV (though the later enjoys modern scholarship, too). I can even find these to be somewhat torturing to read now; they are just too stylized and archaic for my liking (though I am a purist and originally chose them for their Formal Equivalence). I still, however, really enjoy the uber-literal NASB, though. Weird, huh?
I will say, however, there are some rather odd readings and word choices when translators are seeking to create a fresh, honest, and accurate English Bible. For example, 'Deluge' is chosen in the story of Noah instead of flood. Psalm 23 is going to sound a little foreign to those who prefer the King James tradition (though it more accurately renders the text). The most, well, annoying reading I have found is in Ephesians 2:2 where the hCSB chooses "ruler of the atmospheric domain" where the ESV picks "prince of the power of the air." To the ESV's credit, I prefer it when reading the Psalms, though this may be a function of the familiarity of the King James line. Additionally, one problem of sorts is that the hCSB uses capitalizations when referring to Persons of the Trinity; this is not necessarily flawed but it does stray ever close to my problems with Dynamic Equivalence as I am concerned that philosophy is inherently interpretive and theologically subjective.
Now, I am guessing that for readers of the NLT, a switch to the hCSB would be going from something really, really readable to something structured (less so for the NLTse) and these folks may not be comfortable with some renderings. (Here I will repeat that any thought-for-thought Bible--by definition--makes commentary within the translation; I feel that for this reason alone the hCSB is to be preferred over the NLT). Sitting in church, though, I find it encouraging when the Pastor, reading from the NLT and having studied the text for the last week, quotes where the NLT is mistaken and when I look down, the hCSB renders it precisely as he explained.
For those who read the NIV/TNIV, the hCSB will often seem similar though it has an advantage of two decades of scholarship (besides the gender-neutral thing, from which the NLT suffers as well). I note that education is sometimes a good thing--our Lord spent 40 days training the disciples following a certain Empty Tomb. Suffice it to say that all English versions are not the original Oracles of God. Overall, with very few exceptions, I submit that the hCSB gets the Bible right.
Also of note, the hCSB includes some of the most helpful and extensive footnotes in English Bibles. They include places where, for instance, the text poses problems and lists alternate readings at the bottom of the page--this will help clarity as well as credibility. Footnotes will also give the alternate literal text as Lit. when it has been radically modified for clarity. Further, the hCSB includes Bullet Notes that points the reader to a section in the back with a large list of defined words. Included in these Bullet Notes are words like Hosanna, atonement, Sheol, cherubim, denarius, ephod, Pharisees, Sadduccees, as well as some important characters like Mary Magdelene, Herod (all three of them), Agrippa I & II, Rahab. Bullet Notes is a helpful feature included in nearly all of the hCSB editions. Propitiation and Redemption are to be added to the list in coming editions; I find this encouraging that they seek to expand helps.
Moreover, I have noticed that the construction of the editions released by Broadman and Holman are better than most. For anyone who actually opens and studies the Bible, the typical bound copies on the market today are glued and they will fall apart within a year or two. Most of the hCSB editions come with a sewn binding that is designed to be opened and used. For most readers who don't wish to spend upwards of $50 for a well-made Bible, I recently picked up a large print hCSB with a bonded leather cover and sewn binding for 14 bucks. I gave it to my Uncle and Aunt the other day; they were blessed by it.
I am not seeking to be a hCSB evangelist (though if BHPubs see this, I would love a 'review' edition of the new 2009 Minister's Bible, *wink-wink*). I don't really care which Bible people use, as long as they are reading it on a regular basis (OK--I do care and would council against you who pick up a New World Translation (Jehovah's Witnesses) or Joseph Smith Jr's. Inspired Version (Mormons)). I have, however, seen my whole family move to this version. I have seen my dear wife choose an hCSB I leave around over her beloved NIV Study Bible, and with her experience I am again assured that it is a fine Bible translation. I realize that most are not like me in their zeal for Bible versions and probably don't have a Bible handy in every room of the house and in the car, truck, and coat pocket (Why not? you may need one!), but when I find something that is quality, I want to tell people about it.
God Bless your journey!!!
Some links:
*note: the reason that the 'h' in hCSB is small is from copyright issue that the publishers encountered. There is already a CSB, though not a Bible but a publishing group, and they didn't wish the name to be used. In this interview, the Gen. Ed. believes that one day it will be simply known as the CSB.
I realize that most people are not collecting Bible versions. So when I ask folks their preference, from my experience, people tend to gravitate to the NIV; it is the most common, readable version around for the last two or three decades. If people are really cutting edge, they might carry an ESV or the NASB--these are thought of as the most literal (and are). There are many people at my church that use what our Pastor prefers--the NLT--and I see a lot of the very-literal NKJV too. In Mainline Protestant churches, the NRSV (a somewhat-liberal and 'gender-neutral' version) is common.
Today, I would like to introduce a version that, for the average reader, far surpasses any of these for use as a General Purpose Bible, in my humble opinion.
Released in 2004, the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB, or from here, the hCSB) is a brand new translation from the original languages. The scholar who started on it, the late Art Farstad, wanted to name it Tyndale21 or Logos21, in allusion to the modernity of the scholarship in the 21st Century (if you want to read about this, here is a great interview with the General Editor of the hCSB). Published and owned by Broadman and Holman Publishers, this translation is gaining popularity in spite of it being (mis-)labeled as a Southern Baptist denominational edition.
Surprisingly, most Christians have never heard about this version, though it has never really enjoyed the sheer marketing power that two other recent translations, the ESV and NLT, receive. The first thing about this Bible to understand is that it is not rooted in any past tradition, i.e. the Tyndale-King James line; it is a fresh new version with no limits. This is not to say the translators took translation risks--it is a conservative, gender-accurate, highly reverent gift to the English speaking world. *Note: for a free download of this book on the 'gender-neutral' controversy, click here.* To me, however, the most important aspect of this Bible is that it is actually MORE accurate than the most literal versions mentioned above, while reading smooth and easy like the NIV.
Now, I suppose I need to explain that last sentence. While the hCSB is not translated word-for-word like the NASB, ESV, or NKJV Bibles (i.e. Formal Equivalence), it is also not translated thought-for-thought like the NLT or NIV/TNIV (i.e. Functional, or Dynamic Equivalence) either. Rather, the editors coined the term 'Optimal Equivalence' that, for our purposes here, simply means that it is word-for-word except when the original languages are deemed to need clarity in English. I have found that this Bible reads as precisely as any other but is easier to understand. It is among the few that truly communicates John 3:16 as perfectly as English allows. It also chooses the word 'slave' rather than 'bondservant' or 'servant', e.g. Romans 1:1 which really presents the idea better; a slave doesn't literally get paid like a servant. Another feature of accuracy is that where the KJV, NKJV, and NASB (properly I think) include italics when translators added clarifying words to the text, the hCSB uses half brackets. The ESV doesn't note which words are not in the original languages; neither do the Dynamic Equivalent translations.
As alluded to prior, the hCSB doesn't come from the King James Version line of Bibles which, in order, includes: KJV (1611, 1750), RV (1885), ASV (1901), RSV (1952), NASB (1977), NKJV (1982), NASB-updated (1995), ESV (2001) These essentially retain similar word order and choice of phraseology and, though not necessarily bad, is usually the Bible language that people associate with Holy Scripture. But I might suggest that the shackles of traditions unnecessarily create difficulties when just trying to read the Bible as Story. This alone is why I think the NIV has been so popular and why the NLT is gaining popularity today. However, Where the hCSB surpasses the more literal versions is at this point: while the word order and idea structure to the King James-line is essentially unchanged for 400 years, scholarship has. I have repeatedly been refreshed reading the hCSB and received keener insight to the Holy Word that I never got from old favorites like the NKJV and ESV (though the later enjoys modern scholarship, too). I can even find these to be somewhat torturing to read now; they are just too stylized and archaic for my liking (though I am a purist and originally chose them for their Formal Equivalence). I still, however, really enjoy the uber-literal NASB, though. Weird, huh?
I will say, however, there are some rather odd readings and word choices when translators are seeking to create a fresh, honest, and accurate English Bible. For example, 'Deluge' is chosen in the story of Noah instead of flood. Psalm 23 is going to sound a little foreign to those who prefer the King James tradition (though it more accurately renders the text). The most, well, annoying reading I have found is in Ephesians 2:2 where the hCSB chooses "ruler of the atmospheric domain" where the ESV picks "prince of the power of the air." To the ESV's credit, I prefer it when reading the Psalms, though this may be a function of the familiarity of the King James line. Additionally, one problem of sorts is that the hCSB uses capitalizations when referring to Persons of the Trinity; this is not necessarily flawed but it does stray ever close to my problems with Dynamic Equivalence as I am concerned that philosophy is inherently interpretive and theologically subjective.
Now, I am guessing that for readers of the NLT, a switch to the hCSB would be going from something really, really readable to something structured (less so for the NLTse) and these folks may not be comfortable with some renderings. (Here I will repeat that any thought-for-thought Bible--by definition--makes commentary within the translation; I feel that for this reason alone the hCSB is to be preferred over the NLT). Sitting in church, though, I find it encouraging when the Pastor, reading from the NLT and having studied the text for the last week, quotes where the NLT is mistaken and when I look down, the hCSB renders it precisely as he explained.
For those who read the NIV/TNIV, the hCSB will often seem similar though it has an advantage of two decades of scholarship (besides the gender-neutral thing, from which the NLT suffers as well). I note that education is sometimes a good thing--our Lord spent 40 days training the disciples following a certain Empty Tomb. Suffice it to say that all English versions are not the original Oracles of God. Overall, with very few exceptions, I submit that the hCSB gets the Bible right.
Also of note, the hCSB includes some of the most helpful and extensive footnotes in English Bibles. They include places where, for instance, the text poses problems and lists alternate readings at the bottom of the page--this will help clarity as well as credibility. Footnotes will also give the alternate literal text as Lit. when it has been radically modified for clarity. Further, the hCSB includes Bullet Notes that points the reader to a section in the back with a large list of defined words. Included in these Bullet Notes are words like Hosanna, atonement, Sheol, cherubim, denarius, ephod, Pharisees, Sadduccees, as well as some important characters like Mary Magdelene, Herod (all three of them), Agrippa I & II, Rahab. Bullet Notes is a helpful feature included in nearly all of the hCSB editions. Propitiation and Redemption are to be added to the list in coming editions; I find this encouraging that they seek to expand helps.
Moreover, I have noticed that the construction of the editions released by Broadman and Holman are better than most. For anyone who actually opens and studies the Bible, the typical bound copies on the market today are glued and they will fall apart within a year or two. Most of the hCSB editions come with a sewn binding that is designed to be opened and used. For most readers who don't wish to spend upwards of $50 for a well-made Bible, I recently picked up a large print hCSB with a bonded leather cover and sewn binding for 14 bucks. I gave it to my Uncle and Aunt the other day; they were blessed by it.
I am not seeking to be a hCSB evangelist (though if BHPubs see this, I would love a 'review' edition of the new 2009 Minister's Bible, *wink-wink*). I don't really care which Bible people use, as long as they are reading it on a regular basis (OK--I do care and would council against you who pick up a New World Translation (Jehovah's Witnesses) or Joseph Smith Jr's. Inspired Version (Mormons)). I have, however, seen my whole family move to this version. I have seen my dear wife choose an hCSB I leave around over her beloved NIV Study Bible, and with her experience I am again assured that it is a fine Bible translation. I realize that most are not like me in their zeal for Bible versions and probably don't have a Bible handy in every room of the house and in the car, truck, and coat pocket (Why not? you may need one!), but when I find something that is quality, I want to tell people about it.
God Bless your journey!!!
Some links:
*note: the reason that the 'h' in hCSB is small is from copyright issue that the publishers encountered. There is already a CSB, though not a Bible but a publishing group, and they didn't wish the name to be used. In this interview, the Gen. Ed. believes that one day it will be simply known as the CSB.
Bible Versions,
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday Up North
I am sitting in a coffee shop this morning in a town hours away from my family. I have my headphones in, and a really, really good cup of coffee next to me. I was able, fortunately, to be free to travel on the spur of the moment and visit my grandmother who broke her hip last month. My head is swimming from what I have heard in the last 20 hours.
She turned 89 last week--what a way to spend a birthday, huh? She can't walk right now and is in some pretty bad pain. Her mind is quite
She turned 89 last week--what a way to spend a birthday, huh? She can't walk right now and is in some pretty bad pain. Her mind is quite
Thursdays post--out of town
Culture, World-view, and the 'Old Way'
Like many around the world with televisions, my wife and I have been really enjoying the Olympics. And like many, the joyful endings to some of the featured stories are inspiring. I have a Facebook friend who has
Like many around the world with televisions, my wife and I have been really enjoying the Olympics. And like many, the joyful endings to some of the featured stories are inspiring. I have a Facebook friend who has
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What is Christianity?
-OR- World-views: We each have one.

When someone asks the above question to a 'church-goer', many different answers will be offered: "It's a religion." "It's a good place to meet girls!" "It's a set of rules that I follow." "It's a relationship." I might agree that each of these statements has some truth in them. But I don't think that these really give the whole picture.

When someone asks the above question to a 'church-goer', many different answers will be offered: "It's a religion." "It's a good place to meet girls!" "It's a set of rules that I follow." "It's a relationship." I might agree that each of these statements has some truth in them. But I don't think that these really give the whole picture.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My Birthday Present
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Only Possible Defense for Private Property
The following is a sort of second part to an article which may be summed up in his first paragraph below; one may find it profitable to read that one before this one (make sure you hit the 'back' button to return!).
Enjoy some thinking about where Communism logically ends; his thoughts are cogent and precise.
(*note: I do not argue for a American Theocracy by posting this! Nor does he. Rather,
Enjoy some thinking about where Communism logically ends; his thoughts are cogent and precise.
(*note: I do not argue for a American Theocracy by posting this! Nor does he. Rather,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Marriage Proposal
Saturday, February 13, 2010
On Upbringing
If anyone has ever watched the show on A&E called Intervention, they would know that in each episode, at about 12 minutes in, there is a feature of the person's childhood. I have always noticed that, to a person, they use their upbringing as the core of their addictions.
My Story
I wrote this for a project some friends have at St. Cloud State University. It felt good to get it down; it describes, in summary form, some high and low points from my life. Enjoy!
I was born at an early age in California
I was born at an early age in California
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