Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Science Tuesday

Hundreds of years ago, tax money was used to fund churches in this country.  Churches, properly termed, preach the Good News that redemption awaits those among humankind that humble themselves to God in Christ's Name.  Tax money stopped going to churches because not everybody agrees with the above Good News.  Therefore, why should they pay for it.  I concur with this argument.  Indeed, the Bible says that not everybody will agree that Jesus is the King of Kings.  So in America, this was the most equitable situation for all citizens.

I know of another situation that is equal and we do not need to delve back into history to see it; it is happening before our very eyes.  Today, yours and my tax dollars go to a modern church.
 This entity preaches a different gospel, but invariably, it is passed off as fact.  This gospel is the Evolutionary Hypothesis.  The churches are government schools.

I absolutely disagree with the Evolutionary hypothesis for the origin of life on the planet.  Again, science does not give us truth.  As any theory is then 'proved' by gathering facts that supports it, the Darwinists of today avoid certain evidence that has the potential to destroy their beloved hypothesis.  Yet, we still have educational textbooks that push an assertion that since real and observed micro-evolution is a fact, then macro-evolution is simply an extension of that.  This assertion is fallacious by the very methods of science itself.  Nonetheless, we are still told that 'descent with modification' is how we got here.  And monies taken from people like me, who see through the smoke and mirrors, pay people to profess this.

How is this situation different than when the Congregational Church's Yale College was receiving grants by the state of Connecticut?

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