Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wayward wolf not welcomed home |

Wayward wolf not welcomed home |

Upon her return to the cage this wolf was attacked by her two sisters. Scientists say it was because they wanted to 'increase their rank' among the pack. When this wolf left, she was a female leader, but when she was brought back home, exhausted and worn-down, she was attacked.

This reminds me of humans today. Bathed in a consistent world-view of materialism and Darwinian evolution, our culture is gradually becoming more animal-like. Morality is just an annoyance when acknowledged, or it is simply irrelevant. Television shows are formed on the premise of stabbing your once-loved ones and former friends in the back just to 'increase your rank' in the pack. More and more, the secular-humanist world-view that ignores the inherent dignity in other humans increases.

Of course morality and love of others is not gone--I suggest that it is less useful, and so it is commonly brushed away. People are tools now and steps to use to get somewhere else. 'Since there is no God, there can be no justice against my apathy towards you' seems to be a statement of truth. When morality is not a real thing but something that culture makes up, you get wolves attacking each other.

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