Thursday, March 4, 2010

What are Universals?

I now write on what I believe to be the most defective point to the philosophical position of the Biblical skeptic.  This is certainly not original with me; yea, it has been consistently promoted throughout the 20th Century where those putting forth the idea pointed rearwards to centuries prior and claimed to have read others, like Blaise Pascal, promote the very concept.  Well, Pascal himself wrote in regards to the idea, "In what I am writing, let no one think I am saying anything new." That this point has not been disproven to this day--the same line of reasoning, the same clear idea, the same consistent thought--speaks to the power and simplicity to the argument itself.

This is why I continue to believe that the Christian world-view is Reality: science; reason; logic (i.e. the science of necessary inference); the existence of mathematics; that there is a consistent morality among cultures throughout Time; the mind/body distinction and consciousness; language; identity and dignity; that laws of physics found in the Universe are constant and the same in all places.

In large part, I believe because of Universality. (*Note: this is strictly in scientific and objective, non-spiritual terms.  Many weird spiritual movements claim 'Universals' like karma, manifestation, etc.  The New Age movement has made up a list of 20 universals, which lean heavily on the Universals I just mentioned above, but these are not the kind I am talking about today.)

And without faith it impossible to please him [God], for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6

To begin, we all agree that facts exist; indeed, that I have to point this out is somewhat silly.  The reason I start here is because there is a point to be made.  All facts are interpreted.  Everything we take in as 'fact' needs to hit a filter that each of us has constructed.  The facts hit our presuppositions.  We see this point quite clearly in scientific processes, i.e. the scientific method.

For every scientific experiment, there are certain presuppositions upon which any conclusions must rest.  Without these foundational assumptions, we could not trust anything that Science tells us.  For example, mathematics is an abstract concept; there is, in fact, nothing tangible or finite about mathematics.  Yet, mathematics works the same no matter where it is applied (provided that you didn't miscalculate).  So when a scientific experimentation accesses this Universal, the presupposition is that mathematics itself hasn't changed.  You with me so far?

A major question for for the Materialist/atheist, non-believer, etc. is this: if order and predictability are observed, how can it be abstracted or concluded that this material Universe is the only thing that exists?  Why is this a justified conclusion and how do you know?

When Materialists do this, it seems sort of arbitrary to me. It seems dogmatic and authoritarian.

Well, what I seek to point out is this: you, the scientist, and I agree that some-'thing' never comes from no-'thing'.  Yet, without an appeal to a Creator--and here I mean a Personal God with a Mind--we are simply left with a Universe that is an impersonal, finite (closed) system that has no order or purpose.  It just sorta is.  Within this type of system without purpose, how is there order or reason, or any of the other Universals?  If it's all just...particles, how can we end up with abstracts like logic?

Without God, we have no absracts.

You might say, 'But you are using circular reasoning!' and I would wholeheartedly agree.  See, we both interpret the facts with our own presuppositions.  By doing so, we start with what we believe is a particular truth.  This starting-point 'truth' has no prior proof, but it is where we begin.  For the non-believer, this beginning is Man and reason, logic, etc.  For the Biblical Theist, or Christian, the beginning is God Himself.

See, each of us argues from an axiom, a prior and unproven beginning point.  Our belief-system progresses through our World-view (i.e. our Theory of Reality) and our filters, or presuppositions, until we get to the 'truth' we wish to argue.  Therefore, we both use circular reasoning.

For the non-believer--the lost, in the Christian view--his circular reasoning comes right back to himself.  Well, that is just like everyone else and they all have their own story too, and they can't ALL be right.

For the Christian--and only the Christian-- the reasoning has a justification outside of himself that, I assert, better corresponds to what we actually observe in the world around us.  Universality is outside of us all, and it is just as real as anything we can taste, see, feel, or break.

The problem for the Materialist is that if any explanation can be given for any observable phenomenon, his dogmatism has already presupposed that it must be naturally explained. He has set up intellectual limitations from the outset.  There can be no allowance for anything else.  It seems to me that this is totally 'un'-scientific at the core.

Albert Einstein made the point this way when he said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible."  

He only needed 12 words.  He was not a Christian, as far as I know.  But he saw what I am talking about.

I should admit that my clarity of thought will not even approach that of the previously noted thinkers.  I do not claim to possess the amazing intellect or superb insight that they have shown.  All I would claim as similar to those before me is this: that we are not ever really alive until we have truly met the Creator, the God of Order.  I claim to be a believer in God, Creator, and Savior Jesus Christ.  Indeed, like Lazarus in the tomb had no choice in the matter but was released from the dank tomb, a mind can only be freed when released from the grasp of Sin.  The Light will only fully penetrate this kind of heart, AND, that the convictions we Biblical Theists hold make more sense and are justified.  We talk about them because to remain silent would bring dishonor to the Creator.

Now, don't for a minute believe that the above is the ONLY reason I am a Christian.  I have simply brought up the most fundamental difference between the Christian world-view and the contemporary one.  I have many different and mutually exclusive reasons for my belief that, for example, the Bible is True; Jesus was a dude from a hick-town in the Near Middle East and made many friends and a small group of enemies; there is a real, actual, objective Truth in Reality, etc. etc.
None of us are willingly blind unless we are willingly blind.
Stay tuned.

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